Our Pastor


Rev. Gerald Terry & Beth Brewer

Our pastor and his wife each attended Northeast Christian College in Fredericton when they were younger. Pastor Brewer spent 2 years in Hatfield Point, NB, after spending 9 months in Lahore, Pakistan teaching at New Life Training Centre.  His time in Hatfield Point saw him assisting and helping the pastor. In 1988 they assumed the pastorate of the church in Zealand, New Brunswick where they had their first son and continued there for 6 years. They then relocated to Temperance Vale, New Brunswick where they would have 3 more children and serve as the pastor there for 21 years. It was in 2015 that they moved here to St. Stephen and became the pastor at Old Ridge United Pentecostal Church.


Old Ridge UPC Team


Braden & Janelle Brewer
Assistant to the Pastor / Youth Pastors

Contact: braden@oldridgeupc.com

Dave & Debbie Beaman
Sunday School Superintendent


We use many other volunteers to make our church work. These great people cover things such as music, Sunday School, ushering, greeting, multimedia & sound, decorating, and so much more!